Party-Q preview!
Saturday, July 31, 2010Tomorrow marks the 4th annual Party-Q!
In honor of the event I decided to do a little mini cupcake baking and decorating. I was going to decorate them tomorrow with Nikita but once I started doing a couple for practice, I couldn't stop!
Anyway here are a few pictures of what came of the event. I'm loving the raspberry lemon drop cupcakes. They're my current favorite.
While baking I noticed that my chocolate cupcakes are always slightly more dry than yellow cake based cupcakes. I will have to work on that. A bake-a-thon with the Nikita is slated for Tuesday . I'm looking forward to seeing what we can come up with.
I'm also looking into a new flavor. I am thinking something with coconut... Perhaps chocolate chip and coconut icing. I'll let you know how it goes.
Have a great long weekend everyone! Lets hope tomorrow is a success.
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