Back in the Kitchen

I just wanted to show you guys a picture of the cupcakes Nikita and I made for our friend's twins 3rd birthday. We like to call them "Truly marble, marble cupcakes". The frosting is a combo of chocolate fudge and vanilla buttercream.

One tip that I find really improves the flavour of the actual cake batter is using unsweetened choclate squares (or the discs) instead of cocoa powder. I like the richness of the taste. It is a more full, rich and smooth texture of cupcake. I highly recommend it!

Oh and a tip for the frosting; use cocoa powder so it's not TOO rich (if using buttercream frosting)The consistency of the frosting makes it full and rich and smooth enough, so the powder is a way to add the light chocolate flavor to the icing without over powering the flavour.

Happy baking everyone :)

P.S. Here is a picture of the cake we made for their Barney themed birthday to go along with the cupcakes. As our first attempt at full cake decorating (we did a Princess Jasmine for our friend earlier in the year) we were pleased and the boys loved it! The coloring was the hardest part to master, but so worth it to see their little faces covered in the icing a few hours later.


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